Friday, February 06, 2009

All the Answers are Here!

I received the following email today from someone I've never met. It is regarding a video that came out a few years ago. I will not tell you the name (I'll refer to it as The Video) and will only say that it was a "personal improvement" video. I was going to delete the email without reading it but something caught my eye.

"Dear Stephen,
There's a problem with The Video.
Maybe you've experienced it.
Now when I use the word "problem," I don't mean the video was bad.
Not by a long shot...
The Video did it's job. It raised the awareness of millions of people about the control they have over the wealth, abundance and success that flows into their lives.
And it's already transformed the lives of thousands of people across the world who have put the ideas into practice.
But there are millions more people who want to change their lives, but have found that there are a few critical pieces of the concept that the video doesn't explain very well.
Others I've heard from need a little more help getting started.
Of course, I'm happy for those who have already seen big success. But I'm not talking about those people today.
My focus today is on you. Your life. Your success.
And if you've been using the principles from The Video in your life, but have questions... or you're wondering why it hasn't worked for you yet, then today's message has the potential to transform YOUR life.
Some of the biggest questions I get about The Video are things like:
...."Now What?"
...."What do I DO NOW?"
...."I'm doing it. Why isn't it working?"
Today, I have an answer for all of those questions.
And you'll find all of the information at the link below...
Now is the time to take action:"

I'm not sure what to make of such words. Can something be that great? Should I subscribe to such wonderful rhetoric? But is it rhetoric? Maybe I'm being too cynical.

We are bombarded with paper and electronic stuff covering the entire spectrum of humanity. Heck, this blog post is part of the stuff. Hopefully, you feel this blog adds value.

After reading the email, my immediate thought was to put it "out there" via my blog and see what others think.

Please comment here or shoot me an email.

I hope everyone is doing well.



Anonymous said...

I have watched "The Video" several times over. Excuse me if I am wrong, but isn't it just another powerful technique to re-frame your mind?

In our lives are many "processes,"as you allude to yourself. "How" we handle these in out own lives are extremely subjective and personal.

How could someone find fault for using "secrets" learned in The Video to enrich life, focus on positive thinking, and start thinking about the natural laws of the universe to lead a better, more fulfilled life?

The universe is a system of extreme order. The debate is not "who" set that universe in order, rather just to open your mind to a power larger than your own and use the energy you have within you to focus on something positive.

You hit on something "key" = take action. Change your way of thinking...then what? Take action.

If the principals outlined in The Video are not working for someone, perhaps it is because they don't really believe in themselves or the fact that a higher power (or universe, or whatever you want to call it) has the ability to direct wonderful things into your life.

And that creates an apathy that perpetuates the cycle of sameness. Nothing happens because nothing gets action.

After I watched The Video...I started doing some reading. "The Book" is a good example of changing your way of thinking to allow wonderful things to come into your life through a higher power...and that leads you to take action.

In The Video it says, "smile at everyone you meet." Okay, even something that simple requires action.

I really liked The Video - it was used in my family to foster an open dialogue of discussion.

We were "reminded" that we need to practice being more positive - there's nothing wrong with that. In Fact, it has proven to be a good thing.

We only recently found your blog - love it! Thank you for your thoughtful insight.

Stephen said...

I love your comments. You obviously read The Book and saw The Movie. I will agree that The Book is a wonderful read and gives you much to think about.

A personal tale-I read the book twice and then asked myself if I was truly going to subscribe to the contents of The Book. Now I agree with almost everything written in The Book but I found myself wanting to know if The Book was in accordance with the true Book, The Bible. Well, I had to know so I picked up the Bible and began reading. I finished the Old Testament in December 2008 and I'm up to 1 Corinthians of the New Testament. The Book led me to read the Bible so I know I was meant to read it.