Sunday, July 24, 2005


I am a big believer in statistical tools. Some are basic. Some are advanced. The latter includes powerful techniques such as regression, analysis of variance, and design of experiments.

Please don't hate me for saying this but they really are not that difficult to work with once you understand the concept. I'm serious.

One of the best ways to learn seemingly difficult techniques is by tinkering with applets. Applets are animated sites on the web where you input different parameters and a visualization of the data's behavior appears on the screen. For example, correlation studies the linear relationship between two variables. An applet would visually show (with a scatter plot) how the variables are related as you alter the parameters. You will see the graph along with the correlation coefficient (r).

I have run across multiple sites for applets. I have a list of several at

They are free for you to try.


Anonymous said...


These are very helpful


Anonymous said...

good content

I look forward to more applets
