Sunday, July 17, 2005

Getting better all the time

Where are you in life? Just out of college? Twenty something and single? In your thirties with young children? Forty something and thinking of retirement?

Wherever you are, I hope you often think of ways to improve yourself as a professional and person. The former is something we often think of as we try to advance in a job, company etc. The latter seems to receive less attention but is no less important.

What I have learned over time (I'm in my forties) is that it depends on where you are in life.

This blog will continuously offer advice on professional development. This may include personal research, book reviews, interesting websites to visit, seminars to attend, etc. I'll do the research. You use what you need to improve.

I will also provide tools to use in your job. Some I have created. Others that are well known but may not be understood. I will offer explanation.

My hope is that you can associate with what I write. I beg you for your comments for I want to associate with what you write. If good dialogue occurs, we both will benefit.

Welcome to my blog. I am here to develop you.

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