Monday, July 18, 2005

What am I doing?

I am about to board a plane for Germany for a weeklong, business trip. I just finished two weeks of vacation and a eight hour flight is the last thing I want to do right now. But I must.

To make matters worse, I am traveling with my boss. The same one who called me during my vacation to discuss the details of the trip.

Such trips are not totally bad. I do enjoy the free time to think and read. I can catch up on current events and trends. As I write, three magazines, a newspaper, and two books-Steven Levitt's Freakonomics and David Bach's Smart Couples Finish Rich rest in my briefcase.

Which brings me to my point: I think it is, no, I know it is very important to undergo a business planning process in your life. Companies do it every year. They plan the different ways to spend and make money. Why shouldn't we do this for our lives. Are we in a job that excites us? Are we traveling along the right career path?

During my vacation, I spent three days looking at my career, personal finances, etc. With help from David Bach's book, I focused on five values that govern my life: fun, family, freedom, security, and spirituality. Within each value, I develop goals to work on over the next year.

Just going through the exercise made me feel better. It helped get me and my wife on the "same page" It helped me focus on what I want to do with Quality Minds, Inc. (this site was a result of the exercise). Yes, I am back in the grind now and can feel the stress boring into my pores but at least I have a plan. Without one, we are rudderless. We lack meaning in life.

I plan to talk more about this as my journey continues. For now, think about where you are. Look at it from the PDCA perspective. What are you planning in your life (career, family, etc.). Are you acting on your plan? Are you measuring your progress? Based on your measurement, are you re-thinking your plan?


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