Friday, July 17, 2009

Unspoken Needs in South Carolina Businesses

According to data collected by the South Carolina Department of Commerce, on average, fourteen South Carolina companies per month experience employment issues such as closure or layoff.

This struck close to home last week-I called a client to catch up on things. Three months ago, I provided training to this client. Like many employers, they were experiencing tough times but I left feeling they could weather the storm.

Well, the storm erupted in a bad way and they are at the point of closure. I had no idea. Could I have helped prevent this? I don't know but I wish I could have tried to keep them afloat.

I learned this-These businesses are out there. Struggling to stay open. Letting people go to reduce costs. It is probably worse than we imagine. They need help. Not from the state, though. A significant portion of the stimulus money earmarked for South Carolina is being funneled through the education system for use in job training. I just don't think this is the answer. What good is training if there is no business to hire trained people?

In my opinion, the solutions come in answering these questions-How do we help management retrench/regroup in these economic times? How can we help management scale down to ride out the tough times?

Jesus traveled from community to community and found needful people. He knew they were there. He did not sit still. He spoke (usually in the temple) and people listened. Some heard him and others ignored him. He did not linger in one area but moved to the next needful community.

We have many needful communities right now. Please remember them in your prayers.

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